Julia Hannah
Independent Educational Counsellor
Julia works as a Educational Counsellor registered with the HPCSA. She has a specific interest in Early Childhood Development, Support for Learning with children with disabilities, learning/social/emotional/behaviour problems. Support includes the collaboration with parents/teachers/therapists and relevant professionals. Her work also requires a significant amount of research and Continuous Professional Development.
Wilma Smit
Wilma Smit is an Occupational Therapist in private practice in the Somerset West area. She is passionate about babies and children with developmental delays. Her working experience includes working in various hospitals with adult neurology, schools for children with epilepsy, and cerebral palsy as well as private practice. Her special interest is early intervention, cerebral palsy, autism, the sensory world of babies and toddlers with developmental delays, NDT (Neurodevelopmental Therapy) and counselling of families with special needs. She has the privilege to be part of the Michael Parks Foundation for children with Downs syndrome. Wilma values team effort when working with a child with special needs.
Annelize Chambers
Annelize Chambers is a Speech and Language Therapist practicing in the Helderberg / Somerset West area. Annelize has 15 years’ experience assisting children presenting with a variety of speech, language, communication and feeding difficulties. She gained experience working at hospitals, NGO’s, clinics and schools for both the department of health as well as the private sector in South Africa. She has also gained valuable international experience and training working as a locum in the UK for 4 years. Annelize has a special interest in special educational needs, early intervention and supporting children with eating / drinking and swallowing difficulties.
Stefanie Halford
Stefanie is a Physiotherapist with a special interest in pediatric therapy and neurological rehabilitation. She has 21 years of experience in physiotherapy, with 10 years spent in Ireland and England, working with adults with physical and learning difficulties, providing therapy, positioning guidelines and prescribing wheelchairs for a North London wheelchair service.
She now currently works mostly with children, assisting them in reaching their potential in their mobility and gross motor development. Stefanie is part of the Et Al Therapy Team, a multi disciplinary team approach. I offer individual sessions, home visits and hydrotherapy sessions.
Stellenbosch Kinderkinetics
Kinderkinetics aims in helping to develop children (0-13 years old) holistically by stimulating, remedying & promoting specific motor skills and physical development, through physical activity.
Stellenbosch Kinderkinetics began in 2011 as an Honours programme offered at the Department of Sport Science, Stellenbosch University, and has since grown into private practice.